Data Deletion Policy

Last updated March 28, 2024

Halo Live LLC ("we", "us", "our", or "Halo") is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Data Deletion Policy outlines how we handle data deletion requests from users in compliance with Facebook's requirements for apps that access user data.

User's Right to Request Data Deletion
Users of Halo's services have the right to request deletion of their personal data that we have collected through Facebook. Users can make this request by removing the Halo app from their Facebook account or revoking Halo's access to their data shared through Facebook, such as their email address.

Data Deletion Request Callback
Halo has implemented a Data Deletion Request Callback to handle data deletion requests initiated by users through Facebook. When a user removes the Halo app or revokes data access, Facebook will send a POST request with a signed request to Halo's designated callback URL.

Upon receiving the callback, Halo will:
1. Parse the signed request to obtain the app-scoped user ID of the user making the deletion request.
2. Initiate the deletion of any data associated with that user ID that was obtained from Facebook.
3. Return a JSON response containing a URL where the user can check the status of their deletion request and a unique alphanumeric confirmation code for tracking the request.

The status URL will direct the user to a human-readable explanation of the status of their deletion request. In the event that Halo is unable to comply with the deletion request, a legitimate justification will be provided in accordance with applicable laws and Facebook's policies.

Third-Party Deletion Instructions
As an alternative to the Data Deletion Request Callback, Halo provides users with instructions on how to request data deletion through our Privacy Policy, which can be found at The Privacy Policy includes contact information for submitting deletion requests.

Data Deletion Process
1. Verify the identity of the user making the request to ensure the legitimacy of the deletion request.
2. Identify all personal data associated with the user that was obtained through Facebook.
3. Delete the identified personal data from our servers and databases.
4. Notify any third-party service providers or partners with whom we have shared the user's personal data and request that they delete the data.
5. Provide the user with confirmation of the data deletion, along with the unique confirmation code, within a reasonable timeframe.

Exceptions to Data Deletion
In certain circumstances, Halo may be unable to comply with a data deletion request. These circumstances may include:

- The data is necessary to comply with legal obligations.
- The data is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
- The data is necessary to detect, prevent, or address fraud, security, or technical issues.

In such cases, Halo will provide the user with a clear explanation of the reason for retaining their data and the legal basis for doing so.

Changes to this Policy
Halo reserves the right to update or modify this Data Deletion Policy at any time. Users will be notified of any material changes to this policy through prominent notice on our website or via email.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about this Data Deletion Policy or Halo's data deletion practices, please contact us at or by mail at:

Halo Live LLC
1007 Orange St
Wilmington, DE 19801